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Simulation of 8T SRAM Array for Low Power Sensor Application

Published on September 2015 by Colin David Karat, Soorya Krishna K
National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization"
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCESCO2015 - Number 3
September 2015
Authors: Colin David Karat, Soorya Krishna K

Colin David Karat, Soorya Krishna K . Simulation of 8T SRAM Array for Low Power Sensor Application. National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization". NCESCO2015, 3 (September 2015), 10-14.

author = { Colin David Karat, Soorya Krishna K },
title = { Simulation of 8T SRAM Array for Low Power Sensor Application },
journal = { National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization" },
issue_date = { September 2015 },
volume = { NCESCO2015 },
number = { 3 },
month = { September },
year = { 2015 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 10-14 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/ncesco2015/number3/22308-5328/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization"
%A Colin David Karat
%A Soorya Krishna K
%T Simulation of 8T SRAM Array for Low Power Sensor Application
%J National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization"
%@ 0975-8887
%N 3
%P 10-14
%D 2015
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

The sensor network has become an important aspect in the day today life because of its wide range of application from medical field to the military application. The raw data from sensor node are of large quantity and hence it is necessary to store these data bits. In this paper, design of optimized SRAM array for low power applications is implemented. SRAM cell is designed using 8T. In this, transmission gate is used as access transistor to increase write-ability and decrease the power dissipation. The peripheral circuits are chosen to construct the SRAM array. Simulation are carried out using 180nm technology and result show that the reading and writing of data takes place correctly.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Sram Sensor Network Static Noise Margin.