National Conference on Electronics, Signals and Communication |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCESC2017 - Number 2 |
July 2018 |
Authors: Navaneeth S Rao, Shruthi S H, Achutha D, Dileep M K, Sandeep R, Girijamba D L |
Navaneeth S Rao, Shruthi S H, Achutha D, Dileep M K, Sandeep R, Girijamba D L . 3D Hadamard Transform Based Perceptual Video Hashing. National Conference on Electronics, Signals and Communication. NCESC2017, 2 (July 2018), 23-26.
As there is a dynamic exchange of multimedia data over the internet, content identification and copyright protection has emerged as a serious issue. Perceptual video hashing helps to overcome this problem by providing user authenticity and security to the video data stored. The perceptual video hash function generates a compact code called the hash using the perceptual content of the video. This hash must be robust to any content preserving alterations and sensitive to content changing alterations. The paper proposes a robust video hashing algorithm using 3D Hadamard transformation. This algorithm is well suited for the hardware implementation as the basis functions of Hadamard transform involves only +1 and -1 values.