National Conference on Electronics, Signals and Communication |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCESC2017 - Number 1 |
July 2018 |
Authors: Premala, Md. Bakhar |
Premala, Md. Bakhar . Cross Layer Based MANET Frame work to minimize the energy Consumption and maximize the Network Life Time. National Conference on Electronics, Signals and Communication. NCESC2017, 1 (July 2018), 11-14.
The versatile Ad hoc networks provide communication among wireless nodes which occur in the wireless medium. Energy effective routing in MANET is a demanding goal which should be made under consideration. Moreover, energy effective routing is deemed to be the most important design criteria for MANETs because mobile nodes will be powered by batteries with limited capacity. The architecture, of ad hoc network protocol generally based on a conventional layered approach has been found ineffective to deal with energy efficient routing and breakage of links in MANET. This paper proposes a Cross Layer based MANET framework to minimize the energy consumption and maximize the network lifetime.