National Conference on Electronics and Computer Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCECE2016 - Number 1 |
April 2016 |
Authors: Annapurna Agrawal, Bani Hazra, Alok Mukherjee |
Annapurna Agrawal, Bani Hazra, Alok Mukherjee . Vertex Array Object (VAO) based Visualization - A Better Method for ROV Stance Visualization for Real-time Application. National Conference on Electronics and Computer Engineering. NCECE2016, 1 (April 2016), 1-4.
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an unmanned mobile platform which is operated remotely through the Control Station. ROVs generally have Manipulator Arm with multiple degrees of freedom for handling objects and application specific payloads such as sensors for navigation, surveillance, target tracking and destruction. The ROV Operator needs to be confident about the ROV's stability and safe remote and Non-Line of Sight (Non-LOS) Operations. This paper presents the ROV stance visualization system which is developed to show the vehicle pose and manipulator pose to the operator remotely. Stereo Lithography (STL) model file of the ROV is used for this visualization. In this paper two approaches conventional method and Vertex Array Object (VAO) based method for STL Model visualization are presented, compared and concluded that, the Vertex Array Object (VAO) based method gives high rendering speed and is therefore suitable for real-time application. This work is generic for any ROV/ static platform mounted with Manipulator Arm with multiple Degrees of freedom (DOF). Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an unmanned mobile platform which is operated remotely through the Control Station. ROVs generally have Manipulator Arm with multiple degrees of freedom for handling objects and application specific payloads such as sensors for navigation, surveillance, target tracking and destruction. The ROV Operator needs to be confident about the ROV's stability and safe remote and Non-Line of Sight (Non-LOS) Operations. This paper presents the ROV stance visualization system which is developed to show the vehicle pose and manipulator pose to the operator remotely. Stereo Lithography (STL) model file of the ROV is used for this visualization. In this paper two approaches conventional method and Vertex Array Object (VAO) based method for STL Model visualization are presented, compared and concluded that, the Vertex Array Object (VAO) based method gives high rendering speed and is therefore suitable for real-time application. This work is generic for any ROV/ static platform mounted with Manipulator Arm with multiple Degrees of freedom (DOF).