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Exposure and Avoidance Mechanism of Black Hole and Jamming Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Review

Published on April 2017 by Harsh Pratap Singh, Rashmi Singh
National Conference on Contemporary Computing
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCCC2016 - Number 3
April 2017
Authors: Harsh Pratap Singh, Rashmi Singh

Harsh Pratap Singh, Rashmi Singh . Exposure and Avoidance Mechanism of Black Hole and Jamming Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Review. National Conference on Contemporary Computing. NCCC2016, 3 (April 2017), 15-20.

author = { Harsh Pratap Singh, Rashmi Singh },
title = { Exposure and Avoidance Mechanism of Black Hole and Jamming Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Review },
journal = { National Conference on Contemporary Computing },
issue_date = { April 2017 },
volume = { NCCC2016 },
number = { 3 },
month = { April },
year = { 2017 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 15-20 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/nccc2016/number3/27351-6345/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference on Contemporary Computing
%A Harsh Pratap Singh
%A Rashmi Singh
%T Exposure and Avoidance Mechanism of Black Hole and Jamming Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Review
%J National Conference on Contemporary Computing
%@ 0975-8887
%V NCCC2016
%N 3
%P 15-20
%D 2017
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Mobile ad hoc network (MANETs) is an infrastructureless/self-configurable system in which every node carries on as host or router and every node can participate in the transmission of packets. Because of its dynamic behaviour such system is more susceptible against various sorts of security threats, for example, Black hole, Wormhole , Jamming , Sybil, Byzantine attack and so on which may block the transmission of the system. Black hole attack and Jamming attack is one of them which promote itself has shortest or new fresh route to the destination while jamming attack which make activity over the system. This paper introduces the thorough literature study for the Black hole attack and jamming attack of both the attack by various writers.

  1. Abderrahmane Baadache and Ali Belmehdi 2014. Struggling against simple and cooperative black hole attacks in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. Computer Networks, 73:173,184.
  2. Nital Mistry, Devesh C. Jinwala and Mukesh Zaveri, 2010. Improving AODV Protocol against Blackhole Attacks. International Multi conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists vol. 2,
  3. Payal N. Raj and Prashant B. Swadas 2010. DPRAODV: A dynamic learning system against black hole attack in AODV based MANET. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 2, Issue 3 , pp: 54-59.
  4. Royer EM, Toh C-K 1999. A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks. IEEE Personal Communications 6(2):46–55. DOI: 10. 1109/98. 760423
  5. Sanzgiri K, Dahill B 2002. A Secure Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Network Protocols, Paris, France, 12-15
  6. Perkins CE, Bhagwat P 1994. Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers. Paper presented at the ACM SIGCOMM'94 Conference, London, United Kingdom.
  7. acquet P, Muhlethaler P, Clausen T, Laouiti A, Qayyum A, Viennot L 2001. Optimized Link State Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. Paper presented at the IEEE International Multi Topic Conference, Lahore, Pakistan, 28-30.
  8. Perkins CE, Royer EM 1999. Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing. Paper presented at the Second IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  9. Johnson DB, Maltz DA 1996. Dynamic Source Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. In: Imielinski T, Korth H (eds) Mobile Computing, vol 353. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 153–181.
  10. Haas ZJ, Pearlman MR, Samar P 2002. The zone routing protocol (ZRP) for ad hoc networks. IETF Internet Draft.
  11. Park V, Corson S 1998. Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) Version 1 Functional Specification. Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force MANET Working Group.
  12. Kalyani Singh 1, Mamta Martolia 2016. A Review on Jamming attack in MANET. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 5, Issue 8.
  13. Krishan Kumar,Taranjit Singh Aulakh 2016. Black Hole Attack in MANETs Preventions and Advancements: A Review, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology (ICAET 2016).
  14. Baljinder Singh, Dinesh Kumar 2015. "Jamming attack in MANET: A Selected Review" , International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(4), pp. 1264-1267.
  15. Vimal Kumar, Rakesh Kumar 2015. An Adaptive Approach for Detection of Blackhole Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Network, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication &Convergence, Procedia Computer Science 48 ( 2015 ) 472 – 479.
  16. Jayshree Gojiya, Amit Nayak, Bimal Patel 2016. An Enhanced Approach of Detection and Prevention of Black Hole Attack on AODV over MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 142 – No. 13.
  17. Yibeltal Fantahun Alem and Zhao Cheng Xuan, 2010. Preventing Black Hole Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Anomaly Detection, International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, pp. 672-676.
  18. Seryvuth Tan and Keecheon Kim 2013. Secure Route Discovery for Preventing Black Hole Attacks on AODV-based MANETs"978-0-7695-5088-6/13 © 2013 IEEE.
  19. Apurva Jain and Anshul Shrotriya 2015. Investigating the Effects of Black Hole Attack in MANET under Shadowing Model with Different Traffic conditions" IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control.
  20. Rakhi Sharma and Dr D. V Gupta 2016. Blackhole Detection and Prevention Strategies in DTN", International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242 Volume 5 Issues 8, Page No. 17386-17391.
  21. Soneram verma1, Prof. Maya Yadav 2016 "Detection and Prevention for Jamming Attack in MANET using TAODV Protocol", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 03 Issue: 05.
  22. Pawani Popli1, Paru Raj 2016. Mitigation of Jamming Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 6.
  23. Ashwini Magardey, Dr. Tripti Arjariya 2013. Secure Detection and Prevention Scheme for Jamming Attack in MANET, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
  24. Jing-Wei Huang, Isaac Woungang, Han-Chieh Chao, Mohammad S. Obaidat 2011. Multi-Path Trust-Based Secure AOMDV Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, Publication in the IEEE Globecom.
  25. Ashish Mangla ,Vandana 2015. Prevention of Jamming Attack in MANET, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2015.
  26. Longquan Li, Sencun Zhu, Don Torrieriy, Sushil Jajodia 2014. Self-Healing Wireless Networks under Insider Jamming Attacks", IEEE-2014.
  27. Yu Seung Kim, Frank Mokaya, Eric Chen, and Patrick Tague 2012. All Your Jammers Belong To Us - Localization of Wireless Sensors Under Jamming Attack, IEEE-2012.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Black Hole Attack Infrastructureless Jamming Manet Wormhole.