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An Approach to Cognitive Network Cooperation of TV Station based Green Cellular Network

Published on April 2017 by Ruchi Patel, Jaya Dipti Lal, S.v. Charhate
National Conference on Contemporary Computing
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCCC2016 - Number 2
April 2017
Authors: Ruchi Patel, Jaya Dipti Lal, S.v. Charhate

Ruchi Patel, Jaya Dipti Lal, S.v. Charhate . An Approach to Cognitive Network Cooperation of TV Station based Green Cellular Network. National Conference on Contemporary Computing. NCCC2016, 2 (April 2017), 27-31.

author = { Ruchi Patel, Jaya Dipti Lal, S.v. Charhate },
title = { An Approach to Cognitive Network Cooperation of TV Station based Green Cellular Network },
journal = { National Conference on Contemporary Computing },
issue_date = { April 2017 },
volume = { NCCC2016 },
number = { 2 },
month = { April },
year = { 2017 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 27-31 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/nccc2016/number2/27346-6371/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference on Contemporary Computing
%A Ruchi Patel
%A Jaya Dipti Lal
%A S.v. Charhate
%T An Approach to Cognitive Network Cooperation of TV Station based Green Cellular Network
%J National Conference on Contemporary Computing
%@ 0975-8887
%V NCCC2016
%N 2
%P 27-31
%D 2017
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Energy efficiency (EE) is very crucial for future wireless communication systems, especially for cellular devices. Cellular network can cooperate with other wireless infrastructure for exploiting the detected spectrum holes to support energy-efficient cellular communication. TV white space (TVWS) can be used for Base station (BS) to User terminal (UT) communication with the aid of the existing cellular infrastructure. Since different wireless networks cognitively co-operate with cellular networks, this approach is termed as cognitive network cooperation. In order to achieve energy efficiency, relay station can be used as a cooperative partner with cellular base stations. To achieve this goal, the unused TV spectrum has to be identified. Than these unused frequencies (TV white space) and intermediate node (relay) can be used for signal transmission and reception from cellular BT and UT. The energy efficient performance relies on channel state information (CSI) of channels. Hence for energy efficient transmission of signal interference should be low. For a given number of information bits to be transmitted, the total energy consumed is significantly reduced, when both cognition and cooperation used in cellular networks, as compared with the conventional direct transmission, pure cognition, and pure cooperation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cognitive Radio Co-operation Energy-efficiency Green Communication Tv Spectrum