National Conference on Contemporary Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCCC2016 - Number 2 |
April 2017 |
Authors: Rohit Hirvey, Ranjan Thakur |
Rohit Hirvey, Ranjan Thakur . Delay Tolerance Network based on Time to Live and Reliability. National Conference on Contemporary Computing. NCCC2016, 2 (April 2017), 19-23.
In the area of Delay Tolerant Network there are many issues like egotistical and hostile behavior of nodes that can damage it and some essential things which are required to be realized. Hence designing a misconduct scheme is really a great provocation in DTN. For this a Delay Optimization model is proposed which will further be verified by the END-END Delay and packet delivery. It will fetch the data over the several proper communications between the base node and receiving node. This proposed model is implemented for the enhancement of quality of service given by wireless service providers.