National Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCAETE - Number 4 |
May 2012 |
Authors: Md. Zafar A., Qazi Fasihuddin Z. |
Md. Zafar A., Qazi Fasihuddin Z. . PC based Wireless Cardiograph. National Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. NCAETE, 4 (May 2012), 1-3.
Heart attack and stroke are life and death emergencies. The cardiovascular system is complex closed hydraulic system, which perform the essential service of transportation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, numerous chemical compounds and the blood cells. Patients suffering from heart attack have to undergo regular check up of their heart functioning. It is highly risk taking job, as the patient has to go to hospital for diagnosis. Also one third of all heart attack victims die before reaching hospital. In this paper we are designing the proposed prototype module, which transmits the heart rate data (Audio and Video) of a remotely located patient, to the hospital using radio communication principles. This kind of systems assists a lot in overcoming the above explained problems.