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M-Health and Physiotherapy

Published on May 2016 by Virendra Bagade, Akshay Ransing, Sameer Aher, Shailesh Aher, Manjunath Birajdar, Shubham Bondarde
National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCACIT2016 - Number 4
May 2016
Authors: Virendra Bagade, Akshay Ransing, Sameer Aher, Shailesh Aher, Manjunath Birajdar, Shubham Bondarde

Virendra Bagade, Akshay Ransing, Sameer Aher, Shailesh Aher, Manjunath Birajdar, Shubham Bondarde . M-Health and Physiotherapy. National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology. NCACIT2016, 4 (May 2016), 13-15.

author = { Virendra Bagade, Akshay Ransing, Sameer Aher, Shailesh Aher, Manjunath Birajdar, Shubham Bondarde },
title = { M-Health and Physiotherapy },
journal = { National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology },
issue_date = { May 2016 },
volume = { NCACIT2016 },
number = { 4 },
month = { May },
year = { 2016 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 13-15 },
numpages = 3,
url = { /proceedings/ncacit2016/number4/24719-3061/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
%A Virendra Bagade
%A Akshay Ransing
%A Sameer Aher
%A Shailesh Aher
%A Manjunath Birajdar
%A Shubham Bondarde
%T M-Health and Physiotherapy
%J National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%N 4
%P 13-15
%D 2016
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Rehabilitation exercises are those exercises that help in improving joint and muscle function, helping people stand, balance, walked. But these exercises work if done regularly and done as proposed by the therapist. Sometimes the patients has problems like scheduling their daily tasks, their commitment for doing those exercises, and some other difficultiessimilar to this. Thus failing to do the movementsand get benefit from the exercises. This paper proposes a system that provides an intuitive way for rehabilitation. This systemcontains use of pervasive health technologies for addressing theover difficulty. The system would provide a graphical interfacethat would help the physiotherapist to create exercises in 3Denvironment, wherein he would be animating a humanoid to showhow the exercise is to be done. This would show to be more intuitive to patients rather thanon paper. The system would also let therapist to monitor patient while he/she is exercising.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile Application Rehabilitation Exercises Intuitive Exercise Program smart Health.