National Conference on Advances in Computing Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCACA2016 - Number 1 |
September 2016 |
Authors: Piyush Maheshwari |
Piyush Maheshwari . Security Issues of Cyber Physical System: A Review. National Conference on Advances in Computing Applications. NCACA2016, 1 (September 2016), 7-11.
Cyber Physical System (CPS) is extensively used in various fields like critical infrastructure control, vehicular system and transportation, social networking, medical and healthcare systems. The security concern for CPS is of utmost importance. CPS is vulnerable to many kinds of attacks that may cause major loss and potential security risk. In this paper, we will elaborate the requirement of security in CPS on the basis of attacks on CPS taking into account the existing security issues and the challenges to provide the security.