National Conference on Advances in Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCAC2015 - Number 3 |
December 2015 |
Authors: Dipali R. Sakhare, Arti Mohanpurkar |
Dipali R. Sakhare, Arti Mohanpurkar . Review on Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Data Sharing on Cloud. National Conference on Advances in Computing. NCAC2015, 3 (December 2015), 42-46.
There numerous data integrity checking techniques have been projected in purpose of privacy preserving cloud data. Most of mechanisms assume that only the data owner can modify data stored on cloud. There are various techniques have been projected intended for data integrity auditing which focuses on various practical features to have user’s confidence of the integrity of their cloud shares data. To check auditing various features considered like the dynamic data support, public auditing, low communication or computational audit cost, low storage overhead. In recent times a very few attempts consider extra realistic scenarios through allowing several cloud users to modify data with integrity assurance. On the other hand, these attempts are still away from practical owing to the tremendous estimation on cloud users. This paper intend a new integrity auditing technique intended for cloud data sharing services represented by multi-user updating, public integrity auditing, high error detection probability, efficient user revocation as well as Unauthorised user access detection. Also this paper addresses review on different techniques use for integrity check and privacy preservation.