National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
MEDHA2015 - Number 4 |
June 2015 |
Authors: Shital V. Bahale, M.a Pund |
Shital V. Bahale, M.a Pund . Self-Organised Cluster based Energy Balanced Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. MEDHA2015, 4 (June 2015), 5-8.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a system composed of a large number of low-cost micro-sensors. WSN provides low cost solutions to variety of real-world problems. Sensors are low cost tiny devices with limited storage, computational capability and power. The critical issue in Wireless Sensor Network is how to reduce the energy consumption of nodes. The power device of the sensor node in WSNs cannot be recharged or replaced so the energy efficiency is very important. The resource constrained nature of sensor nodes pose the unique challenges to the design of WSNs for their applications. The limited power of sensor nodes mandates the design of energy-efficient communication protocol. To overcome this problem and to improve the performance need not only to minimize total energy consumption but also to balance WSN load. In this research, a cluster based routing protocol is proposed. The proposed Self organized cluster based energy balanced routing protocol (SCERP) reduces energy consumption thus increasing lifetime of the network by separating network into more number of clusters. The proposed protocol (SCERP) focus on an important parameter namely energy balance for WSN thus maximizing the network lifetime through even and uniform energy consumption. Limited power of sensor nodes mandates the design of energy-efficient communication protocol. The critical issue in Wireless Sensor Network is how to reduce the energy consumption of nodes. Since sensor nodes have limited power supply and cannot be easily recharged or replaced when the battery power is depleted, the operation of WSN needs to be energy efficient. If some sensor nodes have no more energy, the WSN may not allow reliable operation due to partition of the network[1,14]. Limited energy in each node affects the lifetime of the entire network, and as a result energy efficiency has been a critical design issue for the protocols of WSN[4]. Various protocols for sensor network have been developed for which energy efficiency is primary goal [5,6].