Innovations and Trends in Computer and Communication Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ITCCE - Number 4 |
December 2014 |
Authors: Alpa A. Kothari, M.u. Kharat |
Alpa A. Kothari, M.u. Kharat . A Review on Message Filtering from Online Social Network. Innovations and Trends in Computer and Communication Engineering. ITCCE, 4 (December 2014), 20-22.
In OSNs (On-line Social Networks), the ability to avoid the display of unwanted content of the posted messages on their own private space; this is one of the most fundamental issue to give users. At the present online social networks provide dissatisfactory support to this requirement. Author built a system which allows online social network users to have a direct control to post messages on their walls. This is possible by using flexible rule-based system which permits user to modify the filtering criteria to be applied to user walls, and a based on soft classifier of Machine Learning, mechanically category messages in favor of content-based filtering.