Innovations and Trends in Computer and Communication Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ITCCE - Number 2 |
December 2014 |
Authors: Priyanka Kathe |
Priyanka Kathe . Automated Writer Recognizer for offline Text using Scale Invariant Feature Transform Descriptor. Innovations and Trends in Computer and Communication Engineering. ITCCE, 2 (December 2014), 12-15.
The Automated writer recognizer for offline text is to determine the writer of a text among a number of known writers using their handwriting images. Handwriting recognition (HWR) is a field where the writing styles of various writers with difficulties are encountered. The Handwriting recognition is derived from a neural network system for unconstrained handwritings. The proposed method offline text writer recognizer is based on scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptor [7]. The writer recognizer which have methods involving a reduced number of parameters for creation of a robust writer recognition system Automated writer recognizer for offline text is very important for documents authorization and in forensic analysis. Writer identification is been a great areana for development in forensic analysis.