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An Integrated Framework in Geographic Information System using Wireless Sensor Network

Published on April 2012 by Saumini Kar, Ajanta De Sarkar, Nandini Mukherje
International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (iRAFIT 2012)
Foundation of Computer Science USA
IRAFIT - Number 2
April 2012
Authors: Saumini Kar, Ajanta De Sarkar, Nandini Mukherje

Saumini Kar, Ajanta De Sarkar, Nandini Mukherje . An Integrated Framework in Geographic Information System using Wireless Sensor Network. International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (iRAFIT 2012). IRAFIT, 2 (April 2012), 13-18.

author = { Saumini Kar, Ajanta De Sarkar, Nandini Mukherje },
title = { An Integrated Framework in Geographic Information System using Wireless Sensor Network },
journal = { International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (iRAFIT 2012) },
issue_date = { April 2012 },
volume = { IRAFIT },
number = { 2 },
month = { April },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 13-18 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/irafit/number2/5855-1011/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (iRAFIT 2012)
%A Saumini Kar
%A Ajanta De Sarkar
%A Nandini Mukherje
%T An Integrated Framework in Geographic Information System using Wireless Sensor Network
%J International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (iRAFIT 2012)
%@ 0975-8887
%N 2
%P 13-18
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Environmental Studies and Monitoring involves a repetitive process of sampling of the environment during certain period of time. It determines natural variability; and assesses changes and trends due to human activities. This paper presents an integrated environment monitoring framework using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Geographical Information System (GIS). The framework helps to visualize different types of micro weather data, like, temperature, light, humidity, pressure sensed by sensor motes throughout the day in specific region. It uses colour coding display to visualize monitored data in the specific geographic regions.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Environment Monitoring Framework Wsn Grass Postgresql