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A Comparison In Performance Of Circulating Current And Non Circulating Current Cycloconverter

Published on March 2012 by Nutan saha, Debjani ganguly, Prasid syam
International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICWET2012 - Number 11
March 2012
Authors: Nutan saha, Debjani ganguly, Prasid syam

Nutan saha, Debjani ganguly, Prasid syam . A Comparison In Performance Of Circulating Current And Non Circulating Current Cycloconverter. International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology. ICWET2012, 11 (March 2012), 7-11.

author = { Nutan saha, Debjani ganguly, Prasid syam },
title = { A Comparison In Performance Of Circulating Current And Non Circulating Current Cycloconverter },
journal = { International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology },
issue_date = { March 2012 },
volume = { ICWET2012 },
number = { 11 },
month = { March },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 7-11 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/icwet2012/number11/5391-1082/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
%A Nutan saha
%A Debjani ganguly
%A Prasid syam
%T A Comparison In Performance Of Circulating Current And Non Circulating Current Cycloconverter
%J International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%V ICWET2012
%N 11
%P 7-11
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Cycloconverter performs the power converting function in a single stage without any intermediate d.c link i.e the cycloconverter can produce adjustable voltage, adjustable frequency ac power from an ac source of fixed voltage and frequency. The production of harmonics in the output of a cycloconverter as a result of the process of voltage synthesis is unavoidable. The direct process of frequency changing makes the harmonics as a function of both the input and output frequencies. As a result the cycloconverter input current and output voltage waveform contain harmonics, non-standard harmonics and sub-harmonics. The harmonic spectrum of cycloconverter input and output waveform depends upon its control strategy, pulse number and structure. In this paper the comparative frequency spectrum analysis of two major cycloconverter structures i.e circulating current (CC) and non circulating current cycloconverter (NCC) are made using FFT and DWT. Hence it establishes the acceptability of wavelet transform in detecting the harmonics in the input and output voltage and current waveform. Further using the power quality indices a comparison in performance of NCC and CC are made.The analysis are performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


circulating current cycloconverter(CC) non circulating current cycloconverter(NCC) harmonics power quality indices fast fourier transform(FFT) discrete wavelet transform(DWT)