International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICWET - Number 7 |
None 2011 |
Authors: A.N.Kemkar, T.R.Sontakke |
A.N.Kemkar, T.R.Sontakke . Cooperative ARQ Techniques for wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology. ICWET, 7 (None 2011), 8-11.
This paper proposes the energy harvesting scheme for wireless sensor network by proper selection of relay node by base station. The sensor node transmits the information to base station and to all the nearby sensor nodes. Upon failing the direct transmission, cooperative ARQ techniques are used for retransmission. The selection of relay is based on counting the number of retransmission carried out by the particular relay, so that highest energy level consisting in a relay will be permitted to transmit the information received from the sensor node. If the energy level of the relay goes below threshold level then next relay is selected on the same basis. In this way the threshold energy level is maintained for sensor nodes (relay) for recharging purpose. Proposed a DF-HARQ (Decode and forward hybrid ARQ) protocol enhances throughput of the system. Cooperative diversity exists across the throughput performance of the network. This paper demonstrates the protocol model and performance analysis to evaluate the throughput of the network.