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Design and Development of SRIONTO: An Educational Ontology Representing Software Risk Identification Knowledge

Published on None 2011 by C.R.Rene Robin, G.V.Uma
International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICWET - Number 15
None 2011
Authors: C.R.Rene Robin, G.V.Uma

C.R.Rene Robin, G.V.Uma . Design and Development of SRIONTO: An Educational Ontology Representing Software Risk Identification Knowledge. International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology. ICWET, 15 (None 2011), 5-13.

author = { C.R.Rene Robin, G.V.Uma },
title = { Design and Development of SRIONTO: An Educational Ontology Representing Software Risk Identification Knowledge },
journal = { International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology },
issue_date = { None 2011 },
volume = { ICWET },
number = { 15 },
month = { None },
year = { 2011 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 5-13 },
numpages = 9,
url = { /proceedings/icwet/number15/2178-se560/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
%A C.R.Rene Robin
%A G.V.Uma
%T Design and Development of SRIONTO: An Educational Ontology Representing Software Risk Identification Knowledge
%J International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%N 15
%P 5-13
%D 2011
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Knowledge can be captured and made available to both machines and humans by an ontology. Ontology can be served as a structured knowledge representation scheme, capable of assisting the construction of a personalized learning path. This paper describes the processes of conceptualization and specification, or building of, an ontology. The domain for which the ontology has been constructed is software risk identification. The required concepts, the semantic description of the concepts and the interrelationship among the concepts along with all other ontological components have been collected from various literatures and experience of the people from software industry. From which, a taxonomy has been constructed by using the property ‘isA’ and the design architecture for the required ontology has also been sketched out manually with nearly four different types of properties. In order to reduce implementation efforts, the Protégé platform, a scalable and integrated framework for ontological engineering, has been used to construct the ontology. The constructed ontology has been represented in owl format, which makes it more machine understandable. Then the semantic representation of the knowledge has been made using the OWL document generator, which automatically generates a set of documents from the ontology. In order to understand the knowledge in more detailed way again the ontology has been visualized using ontoviz tool.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ontology Protégé Software Risk Identification Ontology (SRIONTO) Knowledge Management E-learning OWL Visualization