International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICWET - Number 11 |
None 2011 |
Authors: Subhash C Arya, Anurag Agarwal, Dileep Kumar, Jean Simon Kharkongor |
Subhash C Arya, Anurag Agarwal, Dileep Kumar, Jean Simon Kharkongor . Development of a Novel Electronic Nose Assembly for the Detection and Deletion of Fungi in North-East Region of India. International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology. ICWET, 11 (None 2011), 21-25.
This paper reports about design and development of a novel mobile electronic nose assembly, which is an inspection cum controlling system. It is used to detect and control the fungi growth. The Model is tested in North-Eastern (Shillong) Region of India. The diseases like Aspergillosis, mucor amphibiorum, penicillium marneffei and hypersensitivity pneumonic are caused due to long term exposure of Aspergillus Sp., Mucor Sp. and Penicillum Sp. fungi which causes severe breathing problem, bleeding lungs, cancer and even death . The developed system can be used in the room/laboratory/library or any closed environment in which the fungal growth control is needed to prevent the spread of fatal diseases.