International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICVCI - Number 8 |
None 2011 |
Authors: R. Krishna Priya, Dr.C. Thangaraj, Dr.C. Kesavadas |
R. Krishna Priya, Dr.C. Thangaraj, Dr.C. Kesavadas . Fuzzy Integrated Voxel Based Morphometric approach to compute MR Brain Volume for Proper Intensity diagnosis of Alzheimer�s. International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation. ICVCI, 8 (None 2011), 18-23.
The proper intensity of MR Brain volume calculation to estimate the Alzheimer’s disease depth is dealt in this paper. As Alzheimer’s is a progressive degenerative disease that attacks brain, the estimation of its intensity is highly required. The work here is concerned with Voxel Based Morphometry to render the first part segmentation. The result gives an active region which further needs an evaluation to justify the diagnosis. VBM works on SPM platform. When properly processed, output images from VBM can represent foundations for diagnostic purposes. An integrated approach is used to take advantage of VBM’s ability to fine segmentation based on voxel comparisons of GM, WM & CSF. The color intensity can only give the depth of the disease. This part of work is done with an integrated fuzzy logic classifier. HSI module is used for the intensity classification of MR image. A Fuzzy logic classifier is created with respect to HSI of VBM output. The expertise of doctor is utilized to create a rule base for fuzzy classifier. The result of which renders the proper intensity diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. This approach is highly useful in the medical field as it helps in providing proper treatment for various stages of cognitive impairment.