International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICVCI - Number 3 |
None 2011 |
Authors: C. kumar, B.K Biswal, S.S.Ray, K.Pal, B.Yadav, D.N.Tiberwal |
C. kumar, B.K Biswal, S.S.Ray, K.Pal, B.Yadav, D.N.Tiberwal . Construction of Low Cost Force Plate Instrument for Gait Pattern Analysis. International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation. ICVCI, 3 (None 2011), 32-34.
To analyze the kinematics and kinetics of the different joint many instruments are required, such as force plate. Force plate is used to measure the Ground reaction force which is the force exerted by body over the ground during locomotion. Using inverse dynamics approach we can measure the moment across the joints through the use of ground reaction forces. In the present study we have tried to develop a low cost strain gauge based force plate instrument. We have constructed a force plate of 30 *30 cm size. Four corner of the force plate are suspended through the cantilever. Each cantilever is consisted of two spring blade; one for vertical and another for horizontal force measurement. Strain gauge is attached to spring blade. When spring blade gets deflected, there is a change in the resistance of strain gauge. Change in resistance of strain gauge is measured with the help of Wheatstone bridge. So the output of the Wheatstone bridge is directly proportional to the weight.