International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICVCI - Number 2 |
None 2011 |
Authors: M. Viju Prakash, P. Alwin Infant, S. Jeya Shobana |
M. Viju Prakash, P. Alwin Infant, S. Jeya Shobana . Eliminating Vulnerable Attacks Using One-Time Password and PassText Analytical Study of Blended Schema. International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation. ICVCI, 2 (None 2011), 35-41.
A secure network partially depends on user authentication and unfortunately authentication schemes used at present are not utterly secure. Some passwords are not computationally dominant, where brute force attacks on this unprecedented scale became potential. Here we have designed a combined schema of One Time Password (OTP) algorithm concatenated with PassText which makes uncomplicated to commit to memory and is computationally powerful. It can be fairly and rapidly provided to the system, while at the same time remaining impractical to break the brute force attack. OTP algorithm powered with userâs unique identifications like International Mobile Equipment Identification and Subscriber Identification Module; makes a finite alphanumeric token valid for a session and for a single use. PassText is an easy way of system authentication schema which enables the user not obligatory to memorize any difficult passwords or character combinations. Concatenation of these two schemas gives maximum security for authentications and almost impossible to break. We have also proposed a novel measure of security levels of many popular authentication schemas against the one we proposed.