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Pipelining and Replica Optimization of Workflows for Infrastructure as Utility Grid

Published on May 2014 by N. Mathiarasi, K. Abinaya, K. Kiruthikadevi
International Conference on Simulations in Computing Nexus
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICSCN - Number 2
May 2014
Authors: N. Mathiarasi, K. Abinaya, K. Kiruthikadevi

N. Mathiarasi, K. Abinaya, K. Kiruthikadevi . Pipelining and Replica Optimization of Workflows for Infrastructure as Utility Grid. International Conference on Simulations in Computing Nexus. ICSCN, 2 (May 2014), 7-13.

author = { N. Mathiarasi, K. Abinaya, K. Kiruthikadevi },
title = { Pipelining and Replica Optimization of Workflows for Infrastructure as Utility Grid },
journal = { International Conference on Simulations in Computing Nexus },
issue_date = { May 2014 },
volume = { ICSCN },
number = { 2 },
month = { May },
year = { 2014 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 7-13 },
numpages = 7,
url = { /proceedings/icscn/number2/16152-1014/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Simulations in Computing Nexus
%A N. Mathiarasi
%A K. Abinaya
%A K. Kiruthikadevi
%T Pipelining and Replica Optimization of Workflows for Infrastructure as Utility Grid
%J International Conference on Simulations in Computing Nexus
%@ 0975-8887
%N 2
%P 7-13
%D 2014
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Utility Grid is the collection of computer resources in a heterogeneous distributed environment which encourages researchers to investigate the benefits and drawbacks on executing workflows. While processing a large amount of workflows in utility grid environment, one of the most challenging problems is scheduling of workflows without replications/repetitions. Already, a two-phase approach called partial critical path approach to schedule the workflows in grid environment which aims to minimize the cost of workflow execution under user defined deadline. However when someone applies pipelining mechanism with such algorithm, the results obtained is not more optimized. In this paper, PCP algorithm is adopted with Replication Optimization phase (R-PCP) along with streaming pipelining mechanism. Applications such as scientific simulations, sensor network analysis generate huge amounts of data, which must be streamed efficiently. The streaming services must meet an application's quality of service (QoS) and this mechanism should guarantee that no data are lost during processing. The proposed mechanism operates on polynomial time complexity, which is suitable for optimizing large number of workflows. The main objective of this paper is to: implement pipeline mechanism in a large grid environment and making grid environment to work in an optimized way. The simulation results are shown on the paper gives promising results.

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  2. Market-oriented Grids and Utility Computing by J. Broberg, S. Venugopal, and R. Buyya.
  3. Scheduling Scientific Workflow Applications Using Genetic Algorithms by J. Yu and R. Buyya.
  4. Pegasus: A Framework for Mapping Complex Scientific Workflows Onto Distributed System by E. Deelman et al.
  5. Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in the Askalon Grid Environment by M. Wieczorek, R. Prodan, and T. Fahringer.
  6. New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods by F. Berman et al.
  7. A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing by J. Yu and R. Buyya.
  8. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. W. H. Freeman by M. R. Garey.
  9. Static Scheduling Algorithms for Allocating Directed Task Graphs to Multiprocessors by Y. K. Kwok and I. Ahmad.
  10. Performance-Effective and Low-Complexity Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Computing by H. Topcuoglu, S. Hariri and M. Wu.
  11. Improving Scheduling of Tasks in a Heterogeneous Environment by R. Bajaj and D. P. Agrawal.
  12. A High Performance Algorithm for Static Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems by M. I. Daoud and N. Kharma.
  13. Towards a General Model of the Multi-Criteria Workflow Scheduling on the Grid by M. Wieczorek, A. Hoheisel and R. Prodan.
  14. Multi-Objective Planning for Workflow Execution on Grids by J. Yu, M. Kirley and R. Buyya.
  15. QoS Support for Time-Critical Grid Workflow Applications by Brandic, S. Benkner, G. Engelbrecht and R. Schmidt.
  16. Cost-Based Scheduling of Scientific Workflow Applications on Utility Grids by J. Yu, R. Buyya and C. K. Tham.
  17. Scheduling Workflows with Budget Constraints by R. Sakellariou, H. Zhao, E. Tsiakkouri.
  18. Bi-Criteria Scheduling of Scientific Grid Workflows by R. Prodan and M. Wieczore.
  19. Multiobjective Differential Evolution for Scheduling Workflow Applications on Global Grids by A. K. M. K. A. Talukder, R. Buyya and M. Kirley.
  20. An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Grid Workflow Scheduling Problem with Various QoS Requirements by W. N. Chen and J. Zhang.
  21. Deadline Division-Based Heuristic for Cost Optimization in Workflow Scheduling by Y. Yuan, X. Li, Q. Wang and X. Zhu.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Grid Workflow Scheduling Replica Optimization Pipelining Of Utility Grid Workflows Utility Grids Qos-based Scheduling.