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Throughput Performance Comparison of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OPNET v14.5

Published on February 2013 by Hari Shankar Mewara, Saurabh Porwal
International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICRTITCS2012 - Number 8
February 2013
Authors: Hari Shankar Mewara, Saurabh Porwal

Hari Shankar Mewara, Saurabh Porwal . Throughput Performance Comparison of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OPNET v14.5. International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012. ICRTITCS2012, 8 (February 2013), 9-14.

author = { Hari Shankar Mewara, Saurabh Porwal },
title = { Throughput Performance Comparison of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OPNET v14.5 },
journal = { International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012 },
issue_date = { February 2013 },
volume = { ICRTITCS2012 },
number = { 8 },
month = { February },
year = { 2013 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 9-14 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/icrtitcs2012/number8/10301-1424/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012
%A Hari Shankar Mewara
%A Saurabh Porwal
%T Throughput Performance Comparison of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OPNET v14.5
%J International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012
%@ 0975-8887
%N 8
%P 9-14
%D 2013
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

In wireless communication, using ad-hoc networking any user desiring to communicate with each other can form a temporary network, without any form of centralized administration. Each node participating in the network is mobile and can be connected dynamically in an arbitrary manner. All nodes of these networks behave as routers and take part in discovery and maintenance of routes to other nodes in the network. Because nodes are forwarding packets for each other, some sort of routing protocol is necessary to make the routing decisions. Routing in the MANETs is a challenging task and has received a tremendous amount of attention from researches. This has led to development of many different routing protocols for MANETs, and each author of each proposed protocol argues that the strategy proposed provides an improvement over a number of different strategies considered in the literature for a given network scenario. In the recent years, it has been quite difficult to determine which protocols may perform best under different network scenarios, such as change in node density and traffic applications. This paper begins with an overview of classification of routing protocols. We then provide a performance comparison of throughput for three mobile ad-hoc routing protocols AODV, DSR and OLSR to understand and analyze the behavior of these protocols under different parameters. All the experimental set up and simulations is done using OPNET v14. 5 Simulator.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Routing Protocol Manet Aodv Dsr Olsr Opnet Ftp Traffic Multimedia Video Conferencing Traffic