International Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering Science and Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICQUEST2016 - Number 1 |
August 2017 |
Authors: Amar A. Yelane, S. R. Vaidya, Sandip B. Pawar |
Amar A. Yelane, S. R. Vaidya, Sandip B. Pawar . Navigation Control of Autonomous Robot using Fuzzy Logic. International Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering Science and Technology. ICQUEST2016, 1 (August 2017), 1-4.
In the field of electronic engineering the work of automation is growing at speed of light. The fundamental concept of autonomous operation depends on technique and logic that we are using. The simple fundamental concept of operating autonomous robot or simply we can say that a mobile robot is a navigation of that robot. The navigation consists of providing the specific path to follow optimal distance. In case if any obstacles are hitting to that robot, the robot should understand how to find a path by avoiding that obstacles. Simple thing is that we can direct that robot with some logic. That simple logic is explained in this paper. The way of navigation is decided by that robot itself by using fuzzy logic. It will direct that robot how to avoid any obstacles which is having various characteristics depends on nature i. e. obstacles is moving or static, height of that obstacles etc. The fuzzy logic criterion gives brief explanation about this concept.