International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICON3C - Number 2 |
April 2012 |
Authors: S. Bharathi, A. Vasuki |
S. Bharathi, A. Vasuki . 2D-To-3D Conversion of Images Using Edge Information. International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls. ICON3C, 2 (April 2012), 27-32.
The three-dimensional (3D) displays required the depth information which is unavailable in the conventional 2D content. This work presents a novel algorithm that automatically converts 2D images into 3D ones. The proposed algorithm first segments the image into object groups by choosing an effective grouping method. This is done with the help of the edge information. The grouping is based on the pixels having similar colors and spatial locality. Based on a hypothesized depth gradient model, a depth map is assigned. Next, the depth map is assigned by cooperating with a cross bilateral filter to diminish the blocky artifacts. Then the filtered image is processed using a depth image based rendering(DIBR) method.