International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICON3C - Number 2 |
April 2012 |
Authors: S. Divya Almeida, G. Wiselin Jiji |
S. Divya Almeida, G. Wiselin Jiji . Video Copy Detection Using TIRI Based Texture Features. International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls. ICON3C, 2 (April 2012), 23-26.
Identi?cation and veri?cation of a video clip based on its content ?ngerprints to ?nd applications in video browsing, large database set and it also take a lesser amount of time to find matches of video clip in the copyright applications. A ?ngerprint extraction algorithm is used along with a fast approximate search algorithm in order to simplify and speedern with the process. The ?ngerprint extraction algorithm extracts compact content-based signatures from special images denoted by temporally informative representative images, constructed from the video. Each such image represents a short segment of the video and contains temporal as well as spatial information about the video segment. To ?nd whether a query video or a part of it is copied from a video in a video database, the ?ngerprints of all the videos in the database are extracted and stored in advance. The search algorithm searches the stored ?ngerprints to ?nd close enough matches for the ?ngerprints of the query video. The fast approximate search algorithm facilitates the online application of the system to a large video database of millions of ?ngerprints and if a match occurs it is identified in a matter of seconds.