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Automatic Tag cloud Realization of web search results using Incremental Clustering By Directions Algorithm

Published on April 2012 by Maheswari. R, D. Vijayakumar
International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICON3C - Number 1
April 2012
Authors: Maheswari. R, D. Vijayakumar

Maheswari. R, D. Vijayakumar . Automatic Tag cloud Realization of web search results using Incremental Clustering By Directions Algorithm. International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls. ICON3C, 1 (April 2012), 12-17.

author = { Maheswari. R, D. Vijayakumar },
title = { Automatic Tag cloud Realization of web search results using Incremental Clustering By Directions Algorithm },
journal = { International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls },
issue_date = { April 2012 },
volume = { ICON3C },
number = { 1 },
month = { April },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 12-17 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/icon3c/number1/6002-1003/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls
%A Maheswari. R
%A D. Vijayakumar
%T Automatic Tag cloud Realization of web search results using Incremental Clustering By Directions Algorithm
%J International Conference in Recent trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls
%@ 0975-8887
%N 1
%P 12-17
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

This paper concerns a subject oriented clustering algorithm for clustering the web search results obtained from web search engines. The algorithm is designed to create a list of words which serve as suggestions for users of search engines to modify their current search query. When a user executes a query, the algorithm shows potential directions in which the search can be continued. In this algorithm, the computational complexity of selecting different subjects is reduced by interpreting the set of all web page representations and their distances between them as a complete weighted graph. An incremental clustering approach has been proposed which avoids the process of reclustering the web pages. A list of suggested words or the clusters is presented to the user in the form of a tag cloud in which terms are arranged in a radial manner to increase the relevancy of search process.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering Informatin Reterival Interactive Query Expansion Search Methods Direction