International Conference on “Internet of Things, Next Generation Networks and Cloud Computing" |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICINC2017 - Number 1 |
July 2018 |
Authors: Nachiket Athavale, Shubham Deshpande, Jatin Chavan, Vikash Chaudhary |
Nachiket Athavale, Shubham Deshpande, Jatin Chavan, Vikash Chaudhary . Framework for Threat Analysis and AttackModelling of Network Security Protocols. International Conference on “Internet of Things, Next Generation Networks and Cloud Computing". ICINC2017, 1 (July 2018), 49-56.
Nowadays everything is computerized including banking and personal records. Also to boost business profits, businessmen have changed their way of operations from physical way to electronic way, for example Flipkart. But as these developments benefit the developer they also increase the chance of exposing all of customer's personal details to malicious users. Hackers can enter into the system and can steal crucial or sensitive information about other authentic users and in case of banks leads to frauds. Security thus, becomes an important issue for all companies and banks. Intrusion detection systems help such companies by detecting in real time whether an intrusion is carried on or not. Here the authors are developing a signature based intrusion detection system which will scan incoming packets and send a warning message to system administrator. Also the authors are implementing a framework and provide it to all the users so that developing intrusion detection based system similar to the built system. The advantage of using framework is that it can be upgraded and re-defined whenever it is needed.