International Conference on Internet of Things, Next Generation Networks and Cloud Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICINC2016 - Number 3 |
July 2016 |
Authors: Pradnya M. Nanaware, Sachin D. Babar |
Pradnya M. Nanaware, Sachin D. Babar . Fuzzy Model for Intrusion Detection using Trust System based Bias Minimization & Application Performance Maximization in MANET. International Conference on Internet of Things, Next Generation Networks and Cloud Computing. ICINC2016, 3 (July 2016), 6-8.
The mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) contains various types of mobile nodes. The Trust of the node is an important issue for deciding the behavior of the node. The behavior of the node is in terms of maliciousness of the node. Trust management for MANETs is an active research area. MANET is a collection of nodes that are self-configuring. There is the absence of any centralized control. In MANET, any node can enter and exit from the communication. This paper addresses the performance issue of trust management. Trust management deals in two important areas :trust bias minimization and application performance maximization The paper helps to implement the best trust protocol settings for minimized trust bias and maximize application performance. This paper helps to minimize the trust under the presence of malicious nodes.