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A Cluster based Cost Effective Group Key Management Protocol for Multicast Network

Published on December 2013 by Saravana Kumar N M, Ramachandran, Lavanya S
International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICIIIOES - Number 9
December 2013
Authors: Saravana Kumar N M, Ramachandran, Lavanya S

Saravana Kumar N M, Ramachandran, Lavanya S . A Cluster based Cost Effective Group Key Management Protocol for Multicast Network. International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences. ICIIIOES, 9 (December 2013), 22-30.

author = { Saravana Kumar N M, Ramachandran, Lavanya S },
title = { A Cluster based Cost Effective Group Key Management Protocol for Multicast Network },
journal = { International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences },
issue_date = { December 2013 },
volume = { ICIIIOES },
number = { 9 },
month = { December },
year = { 2013 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 22-30 },
numpages = 9,
url = { /proceedings/iciiioes/number9/14345-1652/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences
%A Saravana Kumar N M
%A Ramachandran
%A Lavanya S
%T A Cluster based Cost Effective Group Key Management Protocol for Multicast Network
%J International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences
%@ 0975-8887
%N 9
%P 22-30
%D 2013
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Key management plays a very important role in the data communications. CBCEGKM is a key management scheme that provides more efficient and secure methods for key generation and utilization. This papers deals with the analysis of CBCEGKM with respect to communication overhead, computation cost, etc. The analysis shows that CBCEGKM comprises of the most reliable methods for key generations and hence, the data communication. CBCEGKM is compared to some of the other key management techniques and proved to be the better choice in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Key Management Multicast Public-private Key Rsa Rekey.