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Firm Object Classification using Butterworth Filters and Multiscale Fourier Descriptors

Published on December 2013 by Saravanakumar M, Vinothsarun S, Sundaramurthy S, Amitabh Wahi
International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICIIIOES - Number 5
December 2013
Authors: Saravanakumar M, Vinothsarun S, Sundaramurthy S, Amitabh Wahi

Saravanakumar M, Vinothsarun S, Sundaramurthy S, Amitabh Wahi . Firm Object Classification using Butterworth Filters and Multiscale Fourier Descriptors. International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences. ICIIIOES, 5 (December 2013), 34-38.

author = { Saravanakumar M, Vinothsarun S, Sundaramurthy S, Amitabh Wahi },
title = { Firm Object Classification using Butterworth Filters and Multiscale Fourier Descriptors },
journal = { International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences },
issue_date = { December 2013 },
volume = { ICIIIOES },
number = { 5 },
month = { December },
year = { 2013 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 34-38 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/iciiioes/number5/14315-1510/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences
%A Saravanakumar M
%A Vinothsarun S
%A Sundaramurthy S
%A Amitabh Wahi
%T Firm Object Classification using Butterworth Filters and Multiscale Fourier Descriptors
%J International Conference on Innovations In Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Electrical Sciences
%@ 0975-8887
%N 5
%P 34-38
%D 2013
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Object classification is an important task in computer vision techniques. In this paper we proposed a region based object classification technique using multiscale Fourier descriptors and Butterworth filters. By using the Butterworth Low pass Filters (BLF) and Butterworth High pass Filters (BHF) at varied scales. While applying the Butterworth Low pass Filter (BLF) at varied parameters, the internal region of the image is more concentrated which results in the smoothed image. Similarly while applying the Butterworth High pass filter (BHF) at varied parameters, the external region of the image is more concentrated which results in the sharpened image. The proposed algorithm is capable of eliminating the variation in size, rotation and translation of the object. The evaluation outcomes show that filtering done with BHF outperforms the BLF and shows better classification results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Shape Classifications Butterworth High Pass Filters Butterworth Low Pass Filters Fourier Descriptors Euclidean Distance