International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICIIECS - Number 2 |
November 2014 |
Authors: T Vijayakumar, C.palanisami, T Sripriya |
T Vijayakumar, C.palanisami, T Sripriya . Enhancing Driving Direction Time based on speed fluctuation and Vehicle Type Identification. International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems. ICIIECS, 2 (November 2014), 6-10.
Efficient algorithms and architectures are existing for the design of low-complexity bit-parallel multiple constant multiplication (MCM). This operation dominates the complexity of many digital signals processing system. Alternative to this, digit-serial MCM design is available with less complexity. But it is not as much popular as the former one. In this paper, the gate –level area and power of digit-serial MCM design is tried to optimize. So initially from the basic parallel designs, like shift –adds implementation, the common sub-expression elimination and graph-based method are used. From this the efficient one is selected, that is the GB technique and is applied to digit-serial design. Then the newly designed MCM block will be placed to the multiplier block of an FIR filter. Thus comparing to bit-parallel FIR filter design, digit-serial design has 41% of power reduction and 40. 5% of area reduction and are independent of data word-length.