International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICICT - Number 8 |
October 2014 |
Authors: Poral Nagaraja, Meena Sajjan G P |
Poral Nagaraja, Meena Sajjan G P . A Service Oriented Transaction Invoicing Approach in Cloud Computing. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies. ICICT, 8 (October 2014), 10-15.
Cloud resource usage tracking and invoicing in a trusted manner are inevitable and critical for the cloud service provider. The credibility of the service is measured in terms of accuracy in invoicing for the service consumed. In the existing system the limitations are, complexity, computational overhead and no way to validate the usage. Here, we propose OSIRIS: The consumption based efficient invoicing of the service oriented transaction in cloud computing. This system addresses all the existing concerns. It uses a concept called cloud notary authority and is responsible for accuracy in invoicing. This acts as an interface between cloud service provider and user and usage can be verified on either side. We have trusted SLA monitoring mechanism too that is built on trusted platform module called I-Mon. The performance evaluation confirms that the overall latency of OSRIS invoicing transactions is much shorter than the latency of the existing leading methodology. OSIRIS guarantees identical security features as a PKI [10].