International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICICT - Number 4 |
October 2014 |
Authors: Sandhya C Sannamani, Bharath Kumar M, Nagesh H R |
Sandhya C Sannamani, Bharath Kumar M, Nagesh H R . Offline Handwritten Kannada Text Recognition by Integrating Multiple Contexts. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies. ICICT, 4 (October 2014), 28-33.
Handwritten character recognition has received extensive attention in academic and production fields. The recognition system can be either online or off-line. There is a large demand for handwritten text recognition and hand written documents. This paper describes an effective approach for the offline recognition of handwritten Kannada texts. Under the general integrated segmentation-and-recognition benchmark with character over-segmentation and Recognizes the handwritten Kannada text, whenever there is multiple contexts in the text pattern and it is independent of size, slant, orientation, and translation, this approach investigates three important issues: candidate path evaluation, path search, and parameter estimation. In the path evaluation method, we integrate multiple contexts of the text (character recognition scores, geometric and linguistic contexts) from the Bayesian decision view, and convert the classifier outputs to posterior probabilities using confidence transformation. In path search, refined beam search algorithm is used to improve the search efficiency and use a candidate character augmentation mechanism to improve the recognition accuracy. The combining weights of the path evaluation function are optimized by supervised learning using a Maximum Character Accuracy criterion. This method evaluates the recognition performance on Kannada handwritten text images, which contains Kannada letters, words and sentences. The experimented result shows that confidence transformation and combining multiple contexts improve the text line recognition performance, efficiency and throughput significantly.