International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICICT - Number 3 |
October 2014 |
Authors: Priya D. Thorwat, Sudheer Shetty |
Priya D. Thorwat, Sudheer Shetty . Implementation of Multilevel Authentication Scheme for Multicloud Environment. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies. ICICT, 3 (October 2014), 33-38.
At present cloud computing is a technology which is needed the most for IT industries. Usually service provider is the one who offers services in terms of software, platform and infrastructure on the pay per usage to the end user. Characteristics of cloud computing makes the cloud of an organization to meet all the requirements of an end user. These days organizations prefer to migrate from single cloud environment to multicloud environment. Multicloud reduces security issues in cloud computing and decreases its affect to the cloud user. One of the security issues in multicloud environment is an authentication. This system is designed for a user or client to be authenticated at multiple levels while accessing services from the multicloud environment. Primary step to manage the cloud is by giving username and passwords. But sometimes passwords get hacked so in order to give security one time passwords are generated at. In this paper we have combined one time passwords with session passwords including security at the hardware level. Therefore every time while accessing confidential data from multicloud environment client is authenticated at all three levels by providing the security at the highest level. In this paper multilevel authentication is implemented for the device called as an android mini-PC and strongest authentication is ensured.