International Conference on Innovation in Communication, Information and Computing 2013 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICICIC2013 - Number 1 |
March 2013 |
Authors: S. Kumar, P. Sivaprakasam |
S. Kumar, P. Sivaprakasam . Certain Investigations of Image Security Algorithms for Ad hoc Networks. International Conference on Innovation in Communication, Information and Computing 2013. ICICIC2013, 1 (March 2013), 28-33.
Ad hoc Networks allows for communicating users in communication without relying on a infrastructure. The model of communication depends on the topology of the network. The users rely on the security protocols and security algorithms that are part of the network standard. The information being exchanged could be text ,image, video based on the user's requirement. There is a need for algorithms to be robust to avoid information loss. The data to be transmitted has to be protected from the intruders as it could result in reduction of credibility. The paper performs a exhaustive study of different security algorithms in ad hoc network. It concentrates on understanding the difficulties in handling the information I,e image across users. The paper presents a complete survey of the different security algorithms available for handling images. The information to be transmitted along with the images also needs to be analyzed for its complexity,size and vulnerabity. The paper presents research directions for transmitting images in adhoc networks in a efficient manner considering the different performance parameters that needs to be managed.