International conference on Green Computing and Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICGCT - Number 3 |
October 2013 |
Authors: Rizwana Shaikh, M. Sasikumar |
Rizwana Shaikh, M. Sasikumar . Cloud Simulation Tools: A Comparative Analysis. International conference on Green Computing and Technology. ICGCT, 3 (October 2013), 11-14.
Cloud computing is a way of delivering computing power and other resources on pay-per-use basis. Cloud can be of type public or private depending on the type of network is used for delivering the services. A cloud service comes under various categories depending on the level of resource that is Infrastructure, platform or service. Many cloud computing services are available today to fulfill the user needs and demands. Cloud computing has also attracted many researchers for experimentation for new or existing services. Before deployment of actual cloud experimentation can be done with respect to available tools to perform testing and setting up the benchmarks. An analysis by considering various parameters of such tools is presented to provide guidelines about their working with cloud.