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IP Spoofing Prevention Methods using RPF and SPM

Published on August 2015 by Irene Getzi S, Shilpa Vijayan, and Sitamahalakshmi R
International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICFIDM2014 - Number 1
August 2015
Authors: Irene Getzi S, Shilpa Vijayan, and Sitamahalakshmi R

Irene Getzi S, Shilpa Vijayan, and Sitamahalakshmi R . IP Spoofing Prevention Methods using RPF and SPM. International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth. ICFIDM2014, 1 (August 2015), 7-11.

author = { Irene Getzi S, Shilpa Vijayan, and Sitamahalakshmi R },
title = { IP Spoofing Prevention Methods using RPF and SPM },
journal = { International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth },
issue_date = { August 2015 },
volume = { ICFIDM2014 },
number = { 1 },
month = { August },
year = { 2015 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 7-11 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/icfidm2014/number1/21915-5006/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth
%A Irene Getzi S
%A Shilpa Vijayan
%A and Sitamahalakshmi R
%T IP Spoofing Prevention Methods using RPF and SPM
%J International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth
%@ 0975-8887
%N 1
%P 7-11
%D 2015
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a main protocol using for route information across the Internet. The role of IP is to provide best-effort services for the delivery of information to its destination. IP spoofing is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to host computers, so that the intruder can sends messages to another computer with an IP address indicating that the message is coming from a trusted host. IP address spoofing or IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a source IP address, with the intention of hiding the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system. In non-blind spoofing the hacker requires information about the sending host like OS, Sequence Number of packets, etc. But in blind spoofing attacker might not care about the source. A good network should have some strong Detection and Prevention methods against IP spoofing. The prevention methods can be classified as Host Based solutions, Router-Based Solutions and Solutions requiring the use of both Routers and End-Hosts. This paper contains an overview of two prevention methods, namely RPF (Reverse Path Forward) and SPM (Spoofing Prevention Method) and its analysis. And it also shortly describes some other methods like ACL, Packet filtering, etc. As both methods have its own advantages and disadvantages, this paper is about the promotion of SPM rather than RPF. We hope that our comparative study will be helpful for researcher to merge the advantages of both methods and propose a new technique so that a secured communication system can be built.

  1. The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 10, No. 4. By Farha Ali, Lander University.
  2. On the State of IP Spoofing Defense TOBY EHRENKRANZ and JUN LI University of Oregon
  3. Cisco Access Control Lists (ACL) By Joshua Erdman Digital Foundation
  4. IP SPOOFING By Christoph Hofer, 01-115-682 Rafael Wampfler, 01-132-034
  5. TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4/e Behrouz Forouzan
  6. Proposed Methods of IP Spoofing Detection & Prevention. By Sharmin Rashid, Subhra Prosun Paul. World University of Bangladesh.
  7. TECHNICAL NOTE 01/2006: ENGRESS AND INGRESS FILTERING. By National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre (NISCC) APRIL 2006
  8. A Comprehensive Analysis of Spoofing By
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  10. D. Lalitha Bhaskari Dept of C. S & S. E AU College of Engineering (A) Visakhapatnam-530003, INDIA
  11. CH. Satyanarayana Dept of C. S. E JNTUK College of Engineering Kakinada – 533003, INDIA
  12. IP Spoofing Attack Detection using Route Based Information By
  13. Sneha S. Rana, Department of Computer Technology, VJTI Mumbai
  14. T. M. Bansod Department of Computer Technology, VJTI Mumbai
  15. Detecting and Preventing IP-spoofed Distributed DoS Attacks By
  16. PYao Chen, Shantanu Das, Pulak Dhar, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, and Amiya Nayak Published in International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 70–81, July 2008
  17. Understanding the Various Types of Denial of Service Attack by Raja Azrina Raja Othman
  18. Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding in CISCO IOS Release 11. 1(17) CC
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ip Header Acces Control List Filtering Fib Cef &as.