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An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm using Novel Cluster Head Selection Strategies

Published on August 2015 by Deepa V. Jose, and G. Sadashivappa
International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICFIDM2014 - Number 1
August 2015
Authors: Deepa V. Jose, and G. Sadashivappa

Deepa V. Jose, and G. Sadashivappa . An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm using Novel Cluster Head Selection Strategies. International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth. ICFIDM2014, 1 (August 2015), 5-6.

author = { Deepa V. Jose, and G. Sadashivappa },
title = { An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm using Novel Cluster Head Selection Strategies },
journal = { International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth },
issue_date = { August 2015 },
volume = { ICFIDM2014 },
number = { 1 },
month = { August },
year = { 2015 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 5-6 },
numpages = 2,
url = { /proceedings/icfidm2014/number1/21914-5005/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth
%A Deepa V. Jose
%A and G. Sadashivappa
%T An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm using Novel Cluster Head Selection Strategies
%J International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth
%@ 0975-8887
%N 1
%P 5-6
%D 2015
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

The applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are immense in diverse fields, which mark their importance in our daily lives. There has been a drastic change in the structure and size of WSNs in the recent years due to the technological advancements. The main challenge that the WSNs are facing still today is the extension of the sensor networks life time. There are many reasons for the wastage of energy in sensor nodes in which, the communication has a significant role to play. Hence the importance of energy efficient routing protocols. Energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks is a hot research area. Many routing protocols are proposed to improve the energy efficiency of Wireless Sensor Networks. LEACH is a classical routing protocol in this area . This paper gives an overview of LEACH and the existing energy efficient routing protocols, which are the different variants of LEACH. Along with that a proposal for a new energy efficient routing algorithm named MMS-LEACH is also given.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering Energy Efficiency Leach Routing Protocols Wireless Sensor Networks