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Image Retrieval using Canopy and Improved K mean Clustering

Published on None 2011 by S.Sabena, Dr.P.Yogesh, L.Sai Ramesh
International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICETT2011 - Number 3
None 2011
Authors: S.Sabena, Dr.P.Yogesh, L.Sai Ramesh

S.Sabena, Dr.P.Yogesh, L.Sai Ramesh . Image Retrieval using Canopy and Improved K mean Clustering. International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends. ICETT2011, 3 (None 2011), 15-19.

author = { S.Sabena, Dr.P.Yogesh, L.Sai Ramesh },
title = { Image Retrieval using Canopy and Improved K mean Clustering },
journal = { International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends },
issue_date = { None 2011 },
volume = { ICETT2011 },
number = { 3 },
month = { None },
year = { 2011 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 15-19 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/icett2011/number3/3510-icett020/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends
%A S.Sabena
%A Dr.P.Yogesh
%A L.Sai Ramesh
%T Image Retrieval using Canopy and Improved K mean Clustering
%J International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends
%@ 0975-8887
%V ICETT2011
%N 3
%P 15-19
%D 2011
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

In a typical content based image retrieval (CBIR) system, target images are sorted by feature similarities with respect to the query. These methods fail to capture similarities among target images and user feedback. To overcome this problem existing methods combine relevance feedback and clustering. But clustering requires more number of expensive distance calculations. To remedy this problem we propose a new technique that combine canopy method, relevance feedback and improved k mean clustering. Canopy method reduces expensive distance calculation by measuring exact distances between points that occur in a common canopy. Improved k mean clustering automatically compute number of cluster and uses max min distance to reduce computational complexity. Relevance feedback captures exact user interest. The experiments show that our method is highly effective for image retrieval.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering Image retrieval learning methods Relavance feedback