International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICETT2011 - Number 1 |
None 2011 |
Authors: Y. V. Lokeshwari, B. Prabavathy, Chitra Babu |
Y. V. Lokeshwari, B. Prabavathy, Chitra Babu . Optimized Cloud Storage with High Throughput Deduplication Approach. International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends. ICETT2011, 1 (None 2011), 32-37.
Cloud computing has revolutionised e-commerce by facilitating the consolidation of computing and storage resources. Many organizations have set up private clouds as it results in better utilization of resources. Private cloud storage can be built from the unused resources to store the data that belongs to the organization. Since private cloud storage has a limited amount of hardware resources, they need to be optimally utilized to accommodate maximum data. Deduplication is an effective technique to optimize the utilization of storage space. Two methods adopted for deduplication, namely, chunk level and file level, are studied here. This paper discusses the implementation of both these methods in cloud storage through a case study. The present work also proposes a variation in file level deduplication to further increase the throughput.