International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICETT2011 - Number 1 |
None 2011 |
Authors: Adlin Shibin T.S, V. Kalaivani |
Adlin Shibin T.S, V. Kalaivani . A Texture Segmentation using Modified Hill Climbing Approach. International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends. ICETT2011, 1 (None 2011), 23-31.
Image segmentation is crucial to object-oriented remote sensing imagery analysis. In this paper, a newly modified texture segmentation algorithm is proposed using spectral, shape and intensity features. This algorithm is a robust technique that can be applied directly to the color images. The image is pre-processed using Adaptive Switching Median Filter, which removes the impulse noises and keeping the fine details of the image intact in the most efficient manner. Also, the pre-processed image is smoothened using morphological operators, which reduces the false detection of abnormal cells. Then, the pre-processed image is transformed into HSV (Hue, Saturation and value) color space representation in order to analyze and establish a color contrast gradient. The multiscale morphological gradient in the intensity channel of the pre-processed image is obtained and multiplied with the color contrast gradient. The shape feature is extracted from the pre-processed image based on the descriptors such as compactness, convexness, rectangularity and eccentricity, moment invariants. Based on these spectral, shape and intensity features, markers are extracted for this image and given as input to the watershed algorithm which uses a Hill-Climbing approach to identify and label the neighborhood pixels. This algorithm may reduce the computational complexity by avoiding the process of computing lower-complete image.