International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICETCC2017 - Number 3 |
June 2018 |
Authors: Vanita Khamkar, Payal Ingale, Dhanraj Walunj |
Vanita Khamkar, Payal Ingale, Dhanraj Walunj . Anti-phishing using Big Data. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication. ICETCC2017, 3 (June 2018), 5-7.
Now a day's phishing attack has become one of the most serious issues faced by internet users, organizations and service providers. In phishing attack attacker tries to obtain the personal information of the users by using spoofed emails or by using fake websites or both. The internet community is still looking for the complete solution to secure the internet from such attacks. The users will be victim for this kind of activities, because phishing web pages looks very similar to real ones, so finds difficult to distinguish between the fake website and ones, detecting this kind of webpage is very difficult because for identification it takes several attributes into consideration which user might not knowing those things. The existing phishing detection systems are highly dependent on database and they are very time consuming also. In this proposed system, Hadoop-Map Reduce is used for fast retrieval of URL attributes, which plays a key role in identifying phishing web pages and it is known for its time efficiency and throughput also can gained using this.