International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICETCC2017 - Number 1 |
June 2018 |
Authors: Priyanka Gargade, Sonal Gahankari |
Priyanka Gargade, Sonal Gahankari . UWB Rectangular Slot Antenna with Band-notched Characteristics. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication. ICETCC2017, 1 (June 2018), 8-11.
This paper presents a band-notched rectangular slot antenna for Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) communication which is designed on a dielectric substrate with relative permittivity (?r) of 4. 4, thickness of 1. 6 mm and loss tangent (tan ?) = 0. 002. This antenna is designed to be used in frequency band of 2. 44-10. 44 GHz. Band notched characteristics of antenna to reject the frequency band of 5. 15–5. 825GHz, which is limited by IEEE 802. 11a, is realized by rectangular slot etched on the radiator. Parametric study of rectangular slot of proposed antenna also has been investigated. The antenna with optimal parameters obtained from parametric study is simulated.