International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology 2014 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICDCIT2014 - Number 1 |
December 2013 |
Authors: Yashwant Singh Patel, Nitish Kumar Singh |
Yashwant Singh Patel, Nitish Kumar Singh . Kerberos based ATM Voting System: Voting Friendly Model. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology 2014. ICDCIT2014, 1 (December 2013), 1-7.
In this paper a KBATMVS model is proposed through which, with the help of ATM, voting procedure can be performed with proper authentication irrespective to the geographic locations of voters. Authentication will be performed through some biometric recognition systems. For this voters have to pass a 2-level authentication procedure. It will not only save lots of money but also save waste of papers and security resources which are used during voting. This model will also be friendly and helpful for handicapped voters. Voter simply performs some steps and after successful voting, a voting receipt will be generated. All the ATMs will be connected through ATM network. Authentication and voting procedure will be performed with the help of authentication server of Kerberos and database of voting card issuing authority. Voters can participate in voting without relying on their respective voting areas.