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Review of Mean Shift Algorithm and its Improvements

Published on September 2015 by Thomas Chris, S.h Karamchandani, T.d Biradar
CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICCT2015 - Number 5
September 2015
Authors: Thomas Chris, S.h Karamchandani, T.d Biradar

Thomas Chris, S.h Karamchandani, T.d Biradar . Review of Mean Shift Algorithm and its Improvements. CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology. ICCT2015, 5 (September 2015), 25-30.

author = { Thomas Chris, S.h Karamchandani, T.d Biradar },
title = { Review of Mean Shift Algorithm and its Improvements },
journal = { CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology },
issue_date = { September 2015 },
volume = { ICCT2015 },
number = { 5 },
month = { September },
year = { 2015 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 25-30 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/icct2015/number5/22667-1571/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology
%A Thomas Chris
%A S.h Karamchandani
%A T.d Biradar
%T Review of Mean Shift Algorithm and its Improvements
%J CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%V ICCT2015
%N 5
%P 25-30
%D 2015
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

This paper review's the origins of basic mean shift algorithm, as being a procedure which iteratively moves data points to the average of data points and its extension to the field of object tracking. Tracking of any given object forms integral part in surveillance, control and analysis applications. The video tracker presented here works on the principle of mean shift algorithm. However tracker is challenged when there tends to be low illumination, scaling, occlusions and multiple tracking. To tackle these problems, improvements are made in existing mean shift tracking algorithm of which a few are reviewed and studied.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mean Shift Algorithm Tracking Iterative Improvements