CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICCT2015 - Number 1 |
February 2016 |
Authors: Amit A. Deshmukh, S.b. Nagarbowdi, N.v. Phatak, K.a. Lele, S.a. Shaikh, A.a. Desai, S. Agrawal |
Amit A. Deshmukh, S.b. Nagarbowdi, N.v. Phatak, K.a. Lele, S.a. Shaikh, A.a. Desai, S. Agrawal . Broadband Gap-Coupled Variations of Modified Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Antennas. CAE Proceedings on International Conference on Communication Technology. ICCT2015, 1 (February 2016), 38-43.
The compact variations of equilateral triangular microstrip antenna are realized by placing the shorting post along the zero field line at its fundamental TM10 mode. In this paper various proximity fed broadband configurations of complementary of shorted 600 Sectoral microstrip antennas are proposed. The complementary of shorted 600 Sectoral patch yields bandwidth of more than 370 MHz (>40%). To increase the bandwidth of complementary shorted 600 Sectoral antenna, its gap-coupled configuration by splitting the patch into two unequal dimension shorted patches is proposed, which gives bandwidth of nearly 500 MHz (~43%). Further increase in the gain and BW of shorted complementary Sectoral patch is obtained by gap-coupled it with another Shorted 600 Sectoral microstrip antenna. This gap-coupled configuration yields bandwidth of around 550 MHz (>55%). Further increase in bandwidth of gap-coupled configuration is realized by cutting the slot on the edge of complementary shorted patch. The gap-coupled slot cut configuration gives bandwidth of around 570 MHz (~8%). Due to shorted patch shorted gap-coupled antennas shows higher cross polar radiation pattern with a peak gain of nearly 5 dBi.