International Conference on Communication Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICCT - Number 5 |
October 2013 |
Authors: Rahul Taware, T. D Biradar |
Rahul Taware, T. D Biradar . BER Performance Analysis of SSB-QPSK over AWGN and Rayleigh Channel. International Conference on Communication Technology. ICCT, 5 (October 2013), 22-26.
In digital communication, transmission of binary data based on bandwidth & modulation/demodulation techniques. Probability of bit error will increase if more no. of bits transmitted over limited bandwidth. This error decreases the overall spectral efficiency. To improve spectral efficiency and to minimize the BER probability SSB-QPSK is used. This project shows the comparative study of bit error rate (BER) and performance analysis of SSB-QPSK transmission over AWGN channel & Rayleigh channel with error correcting codes and also shown the effect of noise on received symbol using constellation diagrams with the help of MATLAB simulation.