International Conference on Computer Systems and Mathematical Sciences |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICCSMS2016 - Number 1 |
July 2017 |
Authors: Puja Dhar |
Puja Dhar . Role of Digitization in Enhancing Quality Education in India. International Conference on Computer Systems and Mathematical Sciences. ICCSMS2016, 1 (July 2017), 18-22.
Only those technologies are appreciated which are of maximum use for a common man. A technology's success depends on the involvement of common man on it, this can only be possible when people have a knowledge about the digitization . And for this it is necessary to organize awareness camps, workshops, conferences, fairs, Nukad Natak etc so that people can be awared about the digitization. If digitization will be familiar in urban as well as in rural areas then obiviously it will help in the development of the country. Now the time has been arrived when government needs to develop a infrastructural framework for digitization of education for the purpose of enhancing quality education in India. For the success of digitization in enhancing quality education the government of India must be able to provide the basic necessities in this areas such as the facility of electricity, Internet, Wi-Fi etc. In this paper it is tried to explain each and every area of digitization in education including 2016 budget for digitization in education and leading examples that can prove how digitization will transform the nation.